Be empowered.
Having the right representation makes all the difference.
We’re glad you’re here!
A few benefits of working with us:
Whether you are looking for temporary work or searching for a permanent position, our in-depth knowledge of the dentists in the tri-county area is a valuable resource enabling us to find the best match for professional personalities and varying approaches. We bank the odds for your peace of mind and success!
Temping is Tempting. Temping is an excellent way to become familiar with our area and gain experience in what we call “paid continuing ed” as you’ll learn every day you temp.
Permanent Placement. If you’re interested in a full-time position, you’ll benefit from the expertise and knowledge of Founder & President Liz Graham’s in-depth professional knowledge of the top placement choices. Temping also provides the opportunity to work with potential long-term employers before making a commitment.
Professional Coaching. We’re dedicated to the empowerment of dental hygienists to realize the brightest career possible and we’re here to help! Whether a challenging circumstance arises, or you simply need support and advice, help is available in person or over the telephone.
Top notch Continuing Education. We specialize in hands-on workshops and high-caliber speakers bringing the leading information to further your career. Please see our Upcoming Events for our current seminars.
Let’s connect.
To join our team, please submit your registration packet and we’ll be in touch to get you oriented! You’re also welcome to call us at (707) 769-8887 with any questions, and we’ll walk you through the steps. Simply download our registration package below, and when completed, please fax to (707) 200-4807 or email it to liz@grahamplacement.com. We look forward to working with you!
A trusted resource for our fabulous hygienists.
Contact us today and see how we can support your successful career.